1.Parsha Shiur at 8:15.
2 All Torah Center members are invited to participate in a Seudas Purim, Friday, March 14 at 12 PM in the Torah Center Simcha Room. RSVP to shul office by March 9, (718) 380-5511 or
3.This Shabbos there will be a women’s Tehillim gathering in the YIH at 3:30 PM for the release of the hostages, the refuah sheleima of the injured soldiers, the success of Tzahal, and the well-being of Klal Yisrael. Please join us!!
4. YIH/TCH Shabbos Afternoon Shiur at 4:30 at YIH
Topic: Purim Meshulash - In Queens & Jerusalem
5.Shalosh Seudos Topic: Jewish History
Sponsored by Marla and David Bart , for the yahrzeit of Marla’s mother
שרה פרומה בת יעקב דוד
6. Move Clock ahead 1 hour!
7. Sunday, there will be a Gemara Shiur following Shacharis.
8. Thursday, March 13th, Taanis Esther, Fast begins at 5:58AM. Shacharis at 6:25AM. Mincha 6:30PM. Maariv and Megillah is at 7:15.
Friday, Purim, Shacharis 7:30AM. Megillah 8AM. Mincha 6:50PM
9. If anyone wants to make a donation to dedicate the Rabbi's Divrei Torah in honor of or l'zeicher nishmas and have it announced. Please contact Howie or Barry.
10. Please send in Shaloch Manot orders by Friday, March 7th.
11. If anyone wants to sponsor Monthly Kiddush or Weekly Shalosh Seudos please contact Barry or Howie. The next Kiddush will be March 29th.
12. We are now accepting Zelle for payments. Use to send Zelle Payments.
13. Please support Hakerem Wines on Jewel Avenue. Make check payable to TCH and they will give 10%.
14. BUYING/SELLING REAL ESTATE? Please contact Leon Shmuel Fruchtzweig license Associate Broker at (347) 921-2280. A donation will be made to the TCH upon closing of any deal generated from TCH members.